Rocaberti Retreat in France (July)

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 symbol July 7th -12th, 2023 at Marouatte Castle in The Dordogne, France. LEARN MORE

Jen Grisanti

Joan Lane

Martin Olson

Niall Johnson

Have you dreamed of writing a screenplay and seeing it come to life on the silver screen? Or maybe you’ve published a book and are wondering about how to turn it into a film script? Seems impossible, right? Well, the answer, is, NO! Nothing is impossible, and on this one-of-a-kind writers’ retreat, at the beautiful 16th century Aragonese Castle set on a rock off the coast of the island of Ischia (where The Talented Mr Ripley was shot), we’ll show you just how your words, your vision—let’s face it, your baby—can make it all the way to the big screen!
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