TV WRITERS’ SUMMIT Los Angeles March 29-30, 2014

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Learn from TV’s top working writers and producers 

Today’s best writing is on television: The Walking Dead (AMC), Masters of Sex (Showtime), Breaking Bad (AMC), Game of Thrones (HBO), 2 Broke Girls (CBS), House of Cards (Netflix), Homeland (Showtime), Justified (FX), Duck Dynasty (A&E…Yes, it’s written), NCIS (CBS), Major Crimes (TNT)…the list goes on and on. The best – and most – opportunities for writers to succeed today both creatively and financially can be found on television.

But how do you create a show? How do you develop your show idea? How do you structure your characters and stories over a full season? How do you pitch and know who to sell your show to? At the TV Writers’ Summit, you’ll learn from 4 of the industry’s most respected and sought-after working TV pros – Jennifer Grisanti, Ellen Sandler, Troy DeVolld and Chad Gervich – how to create, develop, write, structure, produce, pitch and get your TV show on the air. From idea to airing, the TV Writers’ Summit is the premier event for aspiring and established (Emmy-winning writers regularly attend) TV writers.

The VP of Current Programs at CBS, Alix Jaffe, said, “Jen Grisanti has great insight into working with writers. She has a special ability to nurture their vision, while being true to story structure, character and dialogue.Her notes are always clear, insightful and productive.” Legendary NBC President Warren Littlefield said, “Sitting in a classroom and listening to Chad Gervich teach gave me goose bumps – why didn’t I have teachers like this? After his class I couldn’t sleep that night – my mind was racing with possibilities. Must hear teaching!” Bestselling author and Emmy-nominated writer/executive producer Ellen Sandler has worked on over 25 prime-time shows, and has been called the “Dalai Lama of television writing” by Entertainment Today. Andrew Hoagland, Story Producer for hit shows like The Bachelor and Basketball Wives, said, “I doubt anyone knows more about the making of Reality television than [Emmy-nominated] Troy DeVolld.”

If you have an idea for a TV show, or are currently working in TV and looking to learn more, the TV Writers’ Summit is the only event in the world of its kind. And you have two options:

1. One-Day TV Writers’ Seminar – A one-day, lecture-filled crash course on the craft of writing, story, creating and selling TV. Only $188. Course Outline

2. Two Day TV Writers’ Workshop – Includes Day 1 above, plus a second day of hands-on workshop where you’ll work on your individual show ideas with the expertise and guidance of each of the Pros. Learn how to develop, write and pitch your TV show. Both Days only on $398. Course Outline

Want to know more? Let the Pros themselves tell you what you’ll learn and why you should attend the TV Writers’ Summit!


YOU TUBE VIDEO about the event.

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